IN MEMORIAM – B.& F. Kuypers
Bettina Kuypers was an Administrative Assistant and Marketing Co-ordinator at inbusys inc. (see ABOUT ME webpage for info on inbusys).
George's beloved Bettina passed on August 8, 2014, after a prolonged struggle with cancer and other ailments. Some comments about her background and contributions to inbusys follow.
Bettina lived most of her life in Toronto. She majored in geography at the University of Toronto, before studying cartography at Seneca College. After running the Cartographic Department of a mineral exploration company for 10 years, she started her own consulting business. In 2000, Bettina helped George establish inbusys, after which time she undertook training in Mac computers and graphic arts software.
Bettina had a keen eye for design and marketing, and for keeping things simple and well-organized. She designed the inbusys logo and was responsible for publishing the Company's annual Christmas calendar/card which presented water colours and other paintings by Bauhaus-influenced artist Francine Kuypers, her talented mother. Francine passed in 2009 at the age of 87. Calendars and cards of Francine's beautiful paintings were produced by Bettina from 2003 until late 2013. Bettina and Francine are dearly missed.

Bettina and Francine Kuypers
"Canadian Landscape", watercolour & pen (1982), by Francine, from 2014 calendar (October)
Ernie Herzig passed on June 8, 2015 at the age of 84, after a short illness. Ernie was the President of Herzig Somerville Limited from its inception in 1965 until he and Rivette Herzig sold the Company to Schawk in the late 1990's.
"The Moon", impression, acrylic on wood (2000) by Francine, from 2013 calendar (October)
Ernie was a shrewd yet modest businessman and investor, an accomplished lithographer, a talented artist, a patron of the arts, a philanthropist, and a great family man. For many years, he was my boss and mentor, later my client, and finally my friend.
Like so many others that knew Ernie, I will miss receiving his sage-like advice and being in the presence of his warm and charming personality. I will also miss our occasional chess games. (GS)